Speed Indicator Device (SID)

Following concerns from residents and many, many months of efforts to
  complete the plan, East Coker now has a Speed Indicator Device (SID)
to remind road users to check their speed.  Periodically it will be
moved to one of four locations around the village and hopefully
  encourage all to consider if their speed is appropriate; it will be
set to the speed limit but this is not necessarily the safe speed.
  Regardless of whether it displays a speed and appropriate message, the
  unit records non-identifiable information regarding speed and time.
This data could be used to review the existing speed limits but it is
hoped that this is not required.  The locations in Higher Burton, on
  residential areas but positioning had to be approved by county
engineers according to roadside restrictions, as well as how the
  system best works.  There has obviously been a cost to establish this
  system but a scheme from Somerset and Avon Constabulary allows us to
  recover some of this cost as well as associated costs for

Fix my street

Fix My Street

This is a quick and easy way for people wanting to report any issues which need to be addressed by the council, such as potholes, fly-tipping, graffiti, fallen trees, overgrown footpaths and much, much more.

Please visit


East Coker Pavilion Modernisation

As some of you may know by now, we are planning to modernise the East Coker pavilion at Long Furlong Lane. It’s been 20 years since we last fundraised and built the pavilion, but now it is time to modernise it and bring the changing rooms and showers in line with new standards. The playschool is staying but the rest of the current building will be demolished and rebuilt.

This will provide a more improved, modern, spacious building which is better equipped for the groups that currently use the facilities, but also to entice new ones.

We will be embarking on a fundraising campaign in the coming months and hope that you will be able to contribute to making our village pavilion the best it can be for the use of everyone, whilst having a great time at the events.

We are hoping that we can entice a new cricket team to our grounds, and also provide fun sports opportunities for all. You will be able to hire the new entertainment area for your parties and functions and make use of the outside space we have to offer.

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