Trimming, Tidying and Cutting!

With the amount of rain and sun we have had of recent, all our hedgerows and lawns have been growing like crazy!

In the village, we have noticed some overgrown hedges and pathways which now we are in September are being seen too but it is a good reminder to us all that it is important to cut our hedges particularly if they back onto public roads, pavements or pathways so pedestrians, cyclists and drivers can be seen.

Also, if you have a grass verge outside of your property, if possible, could you keep it mown, weeded and tidied. Thank you very much for continuing to be part of keeping our parish a beautiful place to live all year round!

Speed Indicator Device (SID)

Following concerns from residents and many, many months of efforts to
  complete the plan, East Coker now has a Speed Indicator Device (SID)
to remind road users to check their speed.  Periodically it will be
moved to one of four locations around the village and hopefully
  encourage all to consider if their speed is appropriate; it will be
set to the speed limit but this is not necessarily the safe speed.
  Regardless of whether it displays a speed and appropriate message, the
  unit records non-identifiable information regarding speed and time.
This data could be used to review the existing speed limits but it is
hoped that this is not required.  The locations in Higher Burton, on
  residential areas but positioning had to be approved by county
engineers according to roadside restrictions, as well as how the
  system best works.  There has obviously been a cost to establish this
  system but a scheme from Somerset and Avon Constabulary allows us to
  recover some of this cost as well as associated costs for

Village Projector


Village Projector

East Coker Parish Council have a projector for all to use.

This is available for anyone to borrow on request.

If you wish to use it or have any questions regarding using it, please contact Councillor Carter-Uren on 07368210705 or email her at